Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday NJ!!!

Nj's cake exploded.
Icing flew everywhere, splattering onto her face and clothes as she sighed. Kallista cackled, tears streaming from her eyes
as she tried to regain control of herself. NJ just shook her head, wiping icing from her eyes; she should have guessed kal
would do something like this...ESPECIALLY on someone's birthday.
As it was, today was NJ's 15th. The birthday girl sat at the large table adhorned with gifts of all shapes and sizes:
A huge fat ginger cat sat with an evil glare; a silver nametag stamped with the name "Boffin" hung from a collar, and a pink
party hat clung to its head with a small piece of elastic. Boffin didn't look amused. A unicorn stood munching on a bright
flower that sprung from a huge pink hat. A large box of dog-flavoured jelly beans lay beside it- unsurprisingly, unopened.
Even a small wand lay amid the wrapping paper and the many other odd gifts she had recieved from her friends.
Rachel sighed, but grinned happily, pulling her gift of an I-Heart-Scotland jumper from its wrapping. She threw it to NJ, who
eyes it with amusement, but easily got the message. Leaving the room, she went to go change out of her cake-covered t-shirt.
NJ returned a few minutes later to find everyone chatting and playing with the assortment of gifts. She smiled, adjusting the
red Scotland jumper, before sneeking up behind Kal, who was playing about with something that was hidden from NJ's view.
"BWAAAAA!!!" Yelled NJ, pulling a contorted face at her friend. Kal screamed, spinning around, as the object came into view.
The wand glowed in Kal's hand, instantly sending a stream of golden lightening to connect with NJ's chest.
Several voices began to yell, but the words did no good. With a startled shriek and a puff of brilliant purple smoke, NJ
The wand reurned to normal, quietness descending on the room.
Kallista broke it:
NJ did not dissappear- she mearly just shrank to the size of a really stubby thumb.
She froze, gazing at everything that now seemed too big, before a massive foot forced her to dive out of the way. Her little
heart was pumping, legs doing FAR too much work to get her across such a small distance. More giant feet made their way over
to the spot where she'd just stood, and NJ tried desperately to get their owners' attention, but her little voice had become
no more than a small squeek to her friend's ears. They couldn't hear her, and their huge feet were in real danger of crushing
her small form, so she just ran- trying to escape the shuffling shamble of shoes.
NJ managed to reach the table leg without too much trouble. She stopped to both get her breath back, and take in her enlarged
surroundings. She blinked. This birthday had taken a bit of an odd twist...even by her standards.
"Now how the hell do i get back to normal without getting squashed?!"
A low hiss erupted from behind. NJ turned slowly, eyes wide, as she came face to face with a grumpy looking Boffin.
"Ah...Slightly problematic." She was answered with gleaming eyes, watching her every move. She suddenly felt like a mouse-
vulnerable and almost surely about to be eaten...
Boffin lunged, claws outstreched, and NJ barely had enough time to duck behind the table leg before he ploughed through the
space where she'd just stood. Her little legs took off again, racing across the space underneath the table, heading for a
fallen fork that lay forgotten beneath a chair.
She gasped for breath, becoming painfully aware that Boffin was rapidly closing the gap between them. He screeched in anger
as she spead away, but, if possible, that only made her go faster. She looked forward in hope- only another ten small-feet to
go; the fork was in sight.
Boffin screached again then leaped, sailing through the air before coliding with NJ's small figure. She shrieked and went
spawling, the cat's paws pinning her to the ground. The cat glared at her, squeesing its paw on her chest- toying with her
like it would a mouse. She reached out desperately for the fork; it was only centimeters away.
However, it was still human centimeters, and the piece of cutlery remained JUST out of reach. NJ growled, frustrated and
pounded Boffin's paw. She hit it again, this time on the soft fleshy skin inbetween the digits, which caused his to hiss and
recoil slightly.
NJ took her chance, reaching for the fork, gripping the cold handle and swinging it across her small body to grip it with
both hands. It was surprisingly heavy, but NJ found the weight oddly comforting, and swung it into Boffin's startled face
when he reurned for another go at her.
The cat snarled angrilly, recoiling in pain. NJ just uped and ran- out towards the massive feet, aiming for a particular pair
of shoes.
She found herself racing again -fork in hand- towards a big brown shoe, sure that the cat was not far behind. She reached it
fairly quick, easily dodging the other shuffling feet, and scrambled on board. She raised her hands, bringing the fork point
down -as gently as she could- into Kallista's shoe, hopefully just hard enough to get her attention, and not skewer her foot
to the floor.
As it was, Kal gave a yelp of surprise, snapping a startled head down to see a tiny NJ standing on her foot brandishing a
fork. She blinked, as did all of NJ's other friends who had gathered around after her sudden dissapearence, and were now all
frozen staring at their very small friend.
Suddenly Boffin pounced from under the table, stirring the group into action.
"Stop that cat!" someone yelled, as Kal scooped up NJ in her hand and placed her on the tablecloth, readying the wand that
was still clutched in her hand.
"Don't worry! I'll have you back in a jiffy!" Kal began to wave her hand, but was cut off abruptly when the raging cat
crashed into her chest. Kal shrieked, but Boffin used her to vault off, leaping towards NJ up on the tablecloth.
But the distance was too much- Boffin dissapeared from NJ's sight as he fell back towards the ground. The cat reached out
with its claws, digging into the cloth that draped over the table's side. A sudden jerk and the tablecloth began to follow
the hissing cat to the floor- and NJ along with it.
A piercing squeak sounded in Kal's ears as she scooped up the wand again, looking back to see her tiny friend falling head
over heals towards Boffin's waiting -and gaping- mouth.
"Bad kitty!!" Kal yelled, releasing a stream of gold lightening to envelop NJ. Everyone held their breath.
A brilliant puff of purple smoke, and NJ reappeared in front of them- full size once again- and contined on her fall to the
ground, landing abruptly on the rather surprised Boffin.
"oops..." NJ grinned, gettin up to let the dazed cat scamper off. Walking over to Kal, she quickly plucked the wand from her
friend's grasp, "I think I'll hand onto this..."
Kal nodded glumply, but everyone readily agreed.
As everyone else went back to laughing, discussing NJ's recent adventure, or eating cake, Kal looked around. The unicorn
abruptly stopped munching on the hat, and eyes Kal with a playful stare.
"Hmmm..." said Kal with a grin, before shuffling over, trying to look inconspicuous...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Im lazy, and Im proud.

        After Fred left, Madison abandoned her stack of parchment and trudged off the the bed in the room specially designed for her. Spending your nights in a room with 2o other beds could get pretty lonely, so Dumbledore presented her with this, an elegant room with a kitchen and bathroom. 
        She swung the door open and kicked it shut behind her. Throwing her bad onto the couch, and leaped into her bed, snuggled under the sheets, and closed her eyes, the wonders of sleep drifting over her immediately.
        She woke to a piercing noise in her ear, only to find Peeves whistling sharply. She sat up,"Oi!" He cackled and flew away into the ceiling, leaving her cursing darkly. She squeezed her eyes shut again, but it didn't seem like she was going back to sleep, so she scowled, and swung her legs off the bed. Rubbing her eyes, she walked blindly off to her closet, and smacked into the wall instead of the opening.
 She stepped to the right and walked through, grabbing the first shirt she saw. She pushed her head through, and stripped of her sweats, pulling on a pair of dark shorts. With a snap, the closet door closed, and she wandered off to her small kitchen.
         Opening the fridge, she briefly skimmed through choices in her mind. When she stopped on one she liked, (bacon and eggs with a side of buttered toast and pumpkin juice), she closed her eyes, pictured it in her head, and when she opened her eyes again her meal was right in front of her.
          She absently grabbed the food, her mind on other things as she nibbled on her toast thoughtfully. She thought of Harry, and debated on sending him a letter about the Quidditch World Cup. She decided not to, for she would get his hopes up higher, and if Ron's dad didn't get the tickets....
          But as if in answer to her thoughts, a tiny owl appeared at her window. Grinning, she set down her food and rushed over to unlatch the window. She ushered the owl inside, and decided to go to Diagon Alley today, for she desperately wanted an owl. She should bring Harry....No. She would see him soon enough. Ripping open the letter, she read down at Ron's crooked scrawl.
         'Dear Madison.
                              DAD GOT THE TICKETS! We're all so excited! I've sent a letter to Harry, to tell him too! Your to come over on Saturday. Mum said she would appreciate it if you came around 5' o clock, but Im sure you could come whenever you like. Sent word back with your answer!
           Grinning widely, Madison slurred back a hasty,"Of course," with her quill. She tied it around the tiny owls scrawny leg, and shoved him out the window. He flew off into the sky, and Madison watched him turn into a dark speck against the clouds, and disappear. With nothing better to do, she marched off to the Owlery. She coaxed a tawny owl off its perch, and tied a letter to its arm the said,"Fred and George. Come over, I've to go to Diagon Alley, rather not do it alone." For the second time in five minutes, she shoved the owl out the window, and turned her back on it.
            The next 30 minutes or so was filled with eggs, bacon, and toast. As she finished wiping her hands, a loud crack sounded, and Mrs.Weasley, Fred, and George stood in front of her.
"Thanks mum."
Mrs.Weasley smiled warmly at Madison, who waved back, and vanished.
Madison grinned at the twins, who grinned back. "Thank Merlin you called, Mum was killing us." said George. Madison frowned,"Why?" Fred looked at her darkly,"She spent the whole morning making us wash the attic," Madison rolled her eyes,"Your too lazy."
Fred nodded,"I'm lazy, and I'm proud."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lunch calls me.

             Madison blinked quickly, her bright peculiarly colored eyes readjusting to the new found sun. Before she could completely got used to it, though, a familiar hand yanked her away from the door, and further down the road.
"Hurry up, Madison, your so slow sometimes."
 The voice and hand belonged to Fred Weasley, and she allowed herself to be yanked, ignoring her natural instinct to break anyone's arm who dared touch her. As they walked further along, two other boy's came into sight. First they were dark blobs against the vivid setting sun, but then they sharpened, and she saw one head of flaming red hair, and one dark brown, braided into dreadlocks. George Weasley and Lee Jordan grinned at her, and she winked back warmly. These warm, familiar faces were much more welcome than the face she had seen for the last few hours. Thinking of this she remembered to cover the deep gash on her hand with new skin, and closed her eyes. She felt the skin flow over, and opened her eyes again to the boys now suddenly frowning faces.
              She pursed her lips, trying not to look guilty. "What? What's wrong?"
"We saw that. You changed something. What'd you change?" said Lee.
 Madison shrugged, and changed the subject,"So, where are we going? I'm pretty sick of this castle, to be honest."
                Behind them, stood the majestic castle named Hogwarts. Its tall towers and dark windows gleamed proudly, and the dark lake was jutting out from the back of it, where it surrounded the grounds. George's grin slipped back on.
"We'll be there soon." he said eagerly.
Madison sighed, and said,"Yes, yes, next year will be wonderful. But for me, I have to wait two more years for my brother to start, and any time before then is a time wasted." Fred's frown deepened,"What, we're not good enough?" he said indignantly. Madison smiled warmly, and shook her head." No. No, your not. I love you, though." The twins and Lee's faces scowled, and they walked off away from the castle.
                  Five years later
               "Have you heard?"
Madison scowled, and didn't look up from her books. "Of course I have."
Fred tilted his head,"You don't sounded cheerful."
At this, Madison lifted her eyes and looked at Fred's freckled face. She sighed,"I don't want Harry to get any ideas." Fred grinned, only slightly, and said,"Well you know your going to be chosen. So whats the point? He won't have a chance, anyways." Madison narrowed her eyes,"You know if he doesn't want me to, I won't. And you do realize you're not allowed, either. Nor George, for that matter." Fred raised an eyebrow,"I thought we just went over the fact I can't, seeing as you'll be the one chosen." Madison shrugged, and looked down at her books again.
                "What are those?!" said Fred, his voice sounding horrified. Madison didn't lift her gaze, but said coolly,"Books," Fred sank into the seat in front of her, and gaped at her. She raised her eyes. "What," she said blankly. He shook his head slowly,"It's vacation. We're on holiday. School work, is just not done." The corners of her lips turned up,"Tell that to Snape."
                   Severus Snape, the potions master at Hogwarts school, had been giving her loads of homework everyday for the past month. The other teachers, of course, had been kind enough to give her a well-needed break, but Snape had sneered at her look of shock when he shoved the books onto her desk. "Just because you believe yourself superior to all others," he had said ,"does not mean you shall be excluded from work, Potter." She had left his class seething with rage, but had no other choice then to do the work, and not give Snape the satisfaction of complaining about it.
                    The reason she was at Hogwarts at all during the summer holidays, was because she lived here. Here at Hogwarts, she had her own private room. The teachers-the exception being Snape-were almost like family. But the Headmaster was much different. Professor Dumbledore was no different than a grandfather, and she loved him with all her being. He had cared for her, and nurtured her, and guided her, like no other had for a very long time. When she had learned about her parent's death, and her brothers life, he had sat with her the whole night. He had not said a word, simply held her and wiped her tears as she sobbed and cried.
                     Then she had met her brother, Harry Potter. He had turned into the most important person in her life. She would do anything for him, and she loved him much differently than Professor Dumbledore, or her teachers, or even her best friends in the whole world, Fred and George Weasley. She had loved him with a pure, fierce love that only he could have in her heart, him and their parents. She had lived at Hogwarts, and he lived in with their aunt and uncle, and the summers began a dull cloud against the brilliant sun he had placed in her heart. But Fred and George were close to family, and they were with her everyday. Dumbledore seemed pleased that Fred and George were here for her, because he had always encouraged her to have as close to a normal life as possible. Other than the obvious fact of course, that she was a witch.
                        But Dumbledore had his exceptions, though. He trained her every week, sometimes on her Elemental skills (a rare power that few wizards have known, the ability to control the Elements, which Dumbledore shared), sometimes on her fighting skills (she had earned amazing super strength, and Dumbledore had never explained why she had it), or sometimes on just plain magic. Training was a rough and hard business, and it left her drained every night. But she knew it was for the better, so she didn't complain.
                       To Dumbledore, that is.
                        Fred and George had (on various occasions) listened to her complaints with sympathetic ears. She came to them when anything appeared to much for her, and they rose her spirits flawlessly every time. Fred and George were her lifeline, that was obvious.
                        But now, Fred sat in front of her, much taller and larger than the day they had met, which was four years ago. She scowled as she told him about her homework from Snape, and he proved to be a very nice audience. He nodded and shook his head in all the right places. When she finished, he stood up, and she frowned,"Where are you going?"
"Home, Mum said to be back before noon."
"Go back to your mummy, then," Madison grinned.
Fred turned, an called over his shoulder,"I shall. Lunch calls me."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Lost Purple Rose

She didn’t know how far or how long she ran. All she knew was that she was tired and exhausted beyond belief; her heart sore at having to leave one of her best friends behind. The afternoon sun cast shadows on the pavement yet failed to provide warmth for the girl as she ran on. She now wished that she did not have to ditch the warm jacket. But she could not risk being identified as the criminal that was now being broadcasted on all the news networks.
Tears drifted down her cheeks as she imagined the heart wrenching grief her friends would feel at her tragic predicament.
“Don’t morn for me my friends.” Kallista whispered dramatically and raised her tearstained eyes to the sun. “I vow! I will find my way back to you and we shall be united!”
As she bravely ran on, people passing by would step out of the way, eye her suspiciously and wonder why the girl was running dramatically in slow motion.
“Where IS she?” Lizzy practically shouted as she paced the fifth safe house looking for Kallista.
But the black haired beauty was not there just as she had not been in the other four safe houses.
“Where can she BE?” Lizzy ran a frustrated hand though her hair.
This had to be one of her worse days ever. After Kallista had taken off, Lizzy had been hustled into a squad car still playing the frightened victim and taken to the nearest hospital for a check up followed by interviews with the police.
Thanks to Skyril, her friends Nicolette and Aquila showed up soon after that, dressed in police uniform with documents to release said victim into their care. The documents were false of course, drawn up by the cleverness and brilliance of Quinn, Bryony, and Lenka. It was their specialty to get members of the Purple Roses out of tough and sticky situations and they always came through.
Lizzy had been thrilled to drop the whole victim act and could not wait to get to Kallista with the Pink in her hands.
“Calm down Lizzy.” Aquila spoke soothingly from the doorway. “I’m sure Kallista will be here soon. I’m sure she is probably at some ice cream parlor enjoying eating an ice cream cone.”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Lenka spoke up having joined them in the search for the missing Purple Rose. “This IS Kallie we are talking about.”
“What about pet stores? We could not get her out of that last pet store.” Nicolette grumbled. “She tried to buy all the puppies and kittens there!”
“Right! “Lizzy spoke determinedly. “In that case we will search ALL the ice cream parlors AND pet stores.”
The other girls looked at her in astonishment.
“Wow. She is really worried about Kallie.” Lenka murmured to Aquila and Nicolette under her breath. Aquila nodded.
“No. I just want to wring her neck!” Lizzy said suddenly right in front of them. “Come on. We need to hurry.”  
Not far away from the fifth safe house sat a mansion that was currently full of writing geniuses from all over the world. All were gathered there at that mansion for a week long rejuvenation retreat and to be inspired in their writing creativity.
Currently, all were relaxed in the great house as various members of the SP gang did their own thing. In the center of the room Hellboy and Dragona were having a deep discussion of game talk. Alex, Chan, Thor, and Pyro set at a nearby table working on their writings.
Everyone paused for a moment when the sound of pounding interrupted them from overhead followed the sound of someone running through the house. It sounded like the person was coming down the stairs. But when they looked towards the stairs they saw no one. Unexpectedly the panel in the wall near Chan and Thor opened up and Gepard popped out.
“SURPRISE!” He said, grinning. Then suddenly he was holding a bloody nose. “Dang! You broke my nose!”
At least that was what Thor figured he said after he punched the other boy. It sounded more like. “Dawg! Ewe bwok m’ose!”
“Sorry pal.” Thos shrugged as he set back down after being startled. “I don’t like surprises much.”
Gepard glared then turned and kicked the wall several times and fought to hold back a groan of pain.
“It’s ok. It doesn’t hurt at all.” He lied.
Pyro and Chan looked at each other and tried not to laugh. Alex only sighed and looked up from his writing.
“It’s getting a bit to hard to write at this moment.” He looked at Gepard. “You might want to stop kicking the wall and get something for your nose. Your bleeding all over the house Kallista loaned us for our use.”
“I’ll go and get some ice for him.” A cultured voice spoke from the fireplace.
Everyone turned to see Octaboona standing there grinning, just like Gepard had been grinning a moment ago. The fireplace was opened like a door revealing another secret passageway behind his tall frame.
“I now know a shortcut to the kitchen. Be right back!”
He turned away and took off down the passageway, the fireplace closing up behind him.
“This place is full of secret passageways and more!” Niall’s voice came from above them.
They all looked up to see Niall’s face in a painting, the original face having been pulled away.
“Weird.” Hellboy muttered with a strange look on his face as he gazed up at Niall.
“What?” Niall looked back down. “This house was designed by Kallista. What did you expect? It’s beautiful yet full of secret hidden thing and surprises. Everything Kal likes.”
“And now we are in it.” Dragona smiled.
Everyone chuckled but looked back at Niall and tried to keep from laughing at him.
Niall glanced down to see he now was the face for a scantily clad mermaid. “Lovely.” He said dourly and shut the painted window once more.
Octa came back, this time from the same passageway where Gepard had been.
“Here you go, Gepard.” Octa said helpfully. “Just press this to your nose and tilt your head back”
Everyone jumped when they were interrupted once again by another loud noise. Turning swiftly they saw Dan and Leo sliding down the stairs and hollering at the top of their lungs. The stairs had disappeared and turned into a slide.
“Kallista!” Alex face palmed and shook his head. “So much for peace and quiet.”
Leo and Dan were arguing as they stumbled into the room.
“You MUST have pushed something to make the stairs disappear!” Leo was insisting to Dan who shook his head.
“No” He protested most sincerely. “I know I was careful not to touch anything I’m not suppose to. I just rested my hand at the top of the banister and then suddenly the stairs disappeared!”
Chan stood up and stepped in between them.
“The fault lies with neither of you. As we have all just been informed, this house so kindly donated for our use is not only owned by Kallista but designed by her too.”
Everyone stared at each other in a mixture of numbness and horror. The TV rambled softly in the background.
“Oh, Gosh NO! Tell me it isn’t so!” Pyro burst out and began back away from the walls, glancing around wildly so sure Kallista was there somewhere now, waiting to pounce and dish out noogies and hugs.
Chan nodded grimly and paced the room thinking out loud. “With this being Kallista’s house, locking the doors will not be an effective way to keep us safe from her attacks!”
“I know!” Gepard jumped up from where he had been sitting. “We can each booby trap our room!”
“Good idea!” Pyro brightened. “Quick! We all need to find some materials! SEARCH THE HOUSE!”
“Just make sure she doesn’t get hurt.” Dragona spoke up as he went back to go sit on the sofa.
Hellboy moved to go sit back down to then he did a double take at the TV.
“Hey! Look at the news!” He pointed at the TV. “Doesn’t that look like Lizzy?”
“You mean the girl being held hostage?” Octa asked as they all moved to look at the TV which was showing breaking news. “I do believe that IS Lizzy!”
“That creep better not harm her!” Thor snarled and moved to leave.
“Where are you going Thor?” Leo called after him.
“I’m going to see if I can help Lizzy!” He answered back, storms in his eyes.
“Wait! Just everybody hold it!” Dragona called out as he inspected the dark clad figure closely who was holding their friend hostage. “That’s no creep! That’s Kallista!”
“What? Are you sure?” Pyro asked skeptically.
They all turned to see the figure wave to the camera in the sky.
“Yep! That’s her.” They all said at the same time.
“Kal has got herself in trouble.” Hellboy shook his head.
“Again.” Dan added.
“I guess we should go and help her.” Niall said as he came into the room. “That would be the gentlemanly thing to do.”
“Then it’s decided.” Alex said. “We find Lizzy and she can fill us in.”

A short time later they found themselves in front of another mansion, only bigger and more stately then the one they were staying at. Three vans crammed with boys pulled up to a beautiful stone wall that surrounded the lush landscape of the school, hiding it from prying eyes. The proud sign read: Columbus Academy for Gifted Girls.
A snicker came from the back of the first van.
“Gifted? Kallista goes to school here?” Gepard laughed.
“I don’t know. This is where Lizzy told us to meet her when we called.” Hellboy shrugged.
He looked up at the cameras on top of the stone wall watching them. Quickly and expertly he noted other signs of top notch security devises set to protect those who resided inside.
“Good security.” He murmured to himself as he nodded approvingly.
They must have been recognized because the elaborate iron gates opened without any further delay. The vans pulled in slowly. The boys looked out of the windows curiously as they drove up the gently winding drive way to the mansion beyond. As they has glimpsed from the entryway outside the gates, the grounds were exquisite and well maintained.
In the distance they could see a group of girls in dark gray uniforms walking from the massive mansion to a slightly smaller building that was situated off to the side and back a ways from the main building.
“What do you suppose that is?” Niall asked as he leaned forward to get a better look.
“I think that’s a gymnasium.” Pyro said in awe. “It’s HUGE!”
He was about to say more when they arrived at the front of the mansion. The boys took in the magnificent structure made of brick and stone that would rival any royal house. It’s design clearly resemble the Mediterranean style. Through the heavy massive double Spanish doors, several girls came and walked daintily down the marble steps up to the doors of the vans. Calmly, they waited for the boys to get out. It was clear to the boys that they were expected to follow the girls.
Dragona got out first from his van and recognized Jaffa. She was standing aside and watching the other two girls, Jasmine and Skulgirl as they waited to show the boys where to go. She appeared to be like a supervisor. All three girls wore the same uniform as the girls they had first seen in the distance: a dark gray skirt that flowed down to mid thigh, a matching gray jacket with princess seams, and a white blouse. A tiny purple rose was embroidered on the pocket of the jacket. Knee high stockings and Mary Jane shoes completed the outfit.
Dragona was going to greet his friends as were some of the other guys, but the girl’s expression remained neutral and formal. He shrugged and raised a questioning eyebrow at Hellboy and the others. They just looked back and shrugged silently then fell in line behind the girls as they led the way into the grand foyer. Each girl walked in step together, a graceful walk. Once the doors had been firmly shut behind them, the girl’s facade fell and they whirled around on the boys and greeted them with friendly smiles.
“Hi, boys!” Jaffa beamed, visibly more relaxed.
“Hi Jaffa, Jasmine, Skulgirl.” The boys greeted and nodded.
“Why all this formality?” Niall asked as he adjusted his glasses.
Jaffa hesitated as the other two girls watched them closely with a smug expression on their faces.
“I think I’ll let Skyril explain.” Jaffa finally said, smiling mysteriously. “She is waiting for you. Follow me.”
As they walked the boys eyed their surroundings. Everything was top of the line and beautiful. They rounded a corner and gasped in wonder. Along an expansive corridor, a set of tall arched stain glass windows lined the entire length of the space on either side, letting in plenty of sunlight. Silhouettes of cherry trees danced on the outside, petals of blossoms falling gently to the ground. The refection filtered in through the windows creating a magical display, an illusion of movement. The effect was not lost on the boys. Even the girls were in awe of the beauty.
“This is what Kallista wanted, to have nature always close at hand. I never get tired of walking down this hall.” Skulgirl smiled wistfully.
Inside the large conference room the student council was gathered. Skyril stood at the very center beside a large window, a large table before her. To her left sat Lizzy. On Skyril’s right an empty chair was placed where Kallista usually sat. Lizzy sat next to Bryony, followed by Mary Hiashi, Lenka, Florence, Darkane, and Skylara and Rachel. Next to where Kallista usually sat were Quinn, Rosella, Nyx, Aquila, Nicolette, Venice, and Legolas.
Any moment now she knew the boys would be entering through the double doors. Skyril had watched them come in as she peered through the window just moments before.
The time had come to make a few major changes in their school. Turning back around she gazed once again at her fellow student council members and friends, hoping they would be ready for the changes their school was about to face.
“Good afternoon gentlemen!” Skyril greeted as they came through the double doors, the same design as the front doors, only slightly smaller.
Skyril’s eyes sparkled warmly as she greeted her friends. Normally she would hug them as would the rest of the girls. But this was not to be a casual meeting. It was a crucial meeting. It all depended now on the boys.
“Please have a seat.” She gestured gracefully to the row of elegant chairs on the opposite side of the table.
“Sure Skyril.” Hellboy grinned at her with questioning raise to his eyebrows.
“Um, why are both Nicolette and Aquila in policemen uniforms?” Dragona asked as he cocked his head, curious. He winked at Aquila as he sat down, but she only gave him a demure smile.
“I will tell you in a moment. “ Skyril assured him
All the rest of the girls except for Lizzy, Nicolette and Aquila were dressed in the school’s uniforms. Lizzy still had on her street outfit from earlier that day. Quinn set like a queen with a bouquet of purple roses before her.
“I love the flowers Quinn. “ Octa smiled at her tenderly.
“I stole them!” She mouthed out with a quick mischievous look. “From a wedding!”
“Well done!” Octa beamed back at her proudly.
“Ahem!” Skyril interrupted them. “Let’s get down to business.”
“Is this about what we saw on the news earlier?” Thor asked. He had settled down somewhat after seeing that Lizzy was okay. But his issues with Kallista remained the same. “What the HELL was Kallista doing?”
“Yes. This is what this is about.” Skyril answered. “First, let me explain. To make a long story short, we are a network of spies known as the Purple Roses who do work nationally and internationally. This is our main headquarters, disguised as a normal school. We also have our international departments too. Aquila heads up Germany.”
“I can’t wait to get back.” Aquila muttered. “It is so much nicer there.”
“The UK and Ireland are headed up by Quinn, Rachel, Bryony, and Lenka.”
“And we do a pretty good job!” Bryony said smugly.
Several “Hell yeah!” followed her proud statement. Bryony leaned over Mary and high fived Lenka. Mary sighed patiently.
“The Mediterranean and eastern Europe branch is headed by Nicolette, Darkane, Skylara, and Venice.” Skyril continued. “Florence heads up our Russian department and Mary is responsible for our Canada and Asian divisions.”
“It is a most delightful opportunity.” Mary spoke elegantly. “One that suits me perfectly.”
“Australia and New Zeeland are the responsibility of Nyx and Rosella. Legolas, Lizzy and I head up Central and South America.” Skyril finished.
Hellboy set back amazed but not totally surprised. He had known something was up for a time now. “I wondered about that. What about Kallista?” He asked
“She’s in charge of the bunnies!” Lizzy muttered and turned away.
The other girls giggled softly trying to smother their laughter.
“How did you guess Hellboy?” Skyril asked slightly worried.
“Well, there was that last time we were all together. Kallista kept lurking behind us and….” Hellboy was interrupted by Dan.
“I remember! Kallista kept ducking into bushes thinking we didn’t see her!” Dan laughed.
“That’s right.” Octa paused, thinking back. “Didn’t she roll into a pricker bush?”
“Yes she did.” Alex said dryly. “If that was a covert training assignment. I would say she failed. She gave her position away when she started crying. It took four of us to get her out.”
“I think I still have scars from that pricker bush.” Niall frowned as he remembered his hands.
“Yeah, but nothing beat what Kallista looked like after we got her out!” Leo laughed. “She looked like a human pin cushion!”
Skyril shuddered remembering.
“It all was rather amusing. “ Aquila smiled as several of the other girls agreed.
“She has improved a bit.” Quinn spoke up in Kallista’s defense. “Though fences still give her a bit of trouble.”
Briefly she thought of the time Kallista had to run from a pair of junk yard dogs and lost her pants when trying to clear it.
“So I take it that Lizzy and Kallista were on assignment.” Pyro spoke up, amused by the fact that Kallista was a spy.
“Yes.” Skyril answered simply. “It was an assignment that went bad. Someone else saw the gun dealers arrive and notified the police.”
“Trying to be good citizen’s no doubt.” Mary spoke eloquently. “But they ruined our plans and put our agents at risk.”
“What you saw on the news was Kallista’s way of trying to ad lib.” Skyril sighed and shook her head. “This is why we need your help.”
She paused and looked at all of the boys individually. Her eyes spoke of the risk she was asking them into. “Lizzy’s identity has now been compromised. Yet we still have a chance to bring down these arms dealers. We have come to a point in our missions where it is useful to have the help from male counterparts. I would like to ask if each of you would consider partnering up with us to bring these guys down.”
“I’m in!” Octa spoke up.
Hellboy leaned forward in his seat and looked back at Skyril with a smile. “I thought you would never ask. I’m in.”
Relief filled Skyril as each boy agreed to be part of the team.
“Just one question.” Thor spoke up. “We won’ t be know as the Purple Roses too, will we?”
The girls again tried not to laugh at the expressions on the boys faces as they considered this possibility. Octa looked thoughtful almost hopeful as the rest looked uncomfortable.
“How about the Thorns? Thorns are what protect the roses. We can go by that name.” Niall suggested as he looked ardently at Venice.
“I like it!” Dragona smiled as he looked at Aquila. “I like the thought of protecting Aquila.”
“Then it’s settled.” Skyril smiled. “You are now part of our team. We can give you the full tour of the mansion. It‘s to be for your use now too!”
“The home you are staying in now,” Nicolette began with a secret smile. “The one Kallista built. It’s child’s play compared to this one.”
“Well I’m intrigued.” Octaboona smiled. “I can’t wait to see everything!”
“I am interested how you came about such a place” Niall spoke mildly as he looked about curiously.
“I will tell you as I show you around.” Skyril promised. “It all begins with Kallista.”
“Of course it does.” Leo rolled his eyes. “Speaking of Kal, where is she?”
“Oh, she has not returned yet from the botched up mission. Don’t worry though. She’ll turn up somewhere.” Mary shrugged as she stood up with the rest of them. “If you excuse me, I have to take care of some business elsewhere.”
She walked elegantly passed the boys saying goodbye as she left.
Skyril followed her with several of the other girls.
“Are you coming Quinn?” Skyril called back to her.
“Yes! Just a minute.” She smiled back prettily as she gathered up the roses. “I know the perfect spot for these roses.”
Octaboona hastily stood up and stepped courteously aside as she past then followed her. “Can I help hold those for you, my dear?”
Her answer was lost to the rest as she moved further down the hall. Chan and Pyro looked at each other, rolled their eyes and moved to follow.
Dragona stood and moved to Aquila glancing briefly to the door then back to her. Thor eyed them with a raised eyebrow.
“So, Aquila.” Dragona began.
“Yes, Dragona?” She smiled at him.
“You doing anything to night?”
“DRAGONA!” Thor suddenly barked. “You are needed in the hallway.”
“Damn.” Dragona swore under his breath and moved out the door.
Thor smirked as he looked back at the retreating figure of his friend then moved quickly over to Aquila and leaned over slyly.
“SO Aquila. You doing anything tonight?”
“THOR!” Dragona stood there scowling at his friend with his arms folded across his chest.
“Hey! It’s cool!” Thor stood back up, laughed easily and moved past Dragona, patting him on the shoulder as he passed by. “Chilax, man!”
Dragona stared stonily at him and growled as Thor threw one last wink towards Aquila.
Kallista stopped her running to sag wearily against the brick building of a store. Her breathing was ragged as she checked her pulse. Never had she run so far. Curious she looked back from where she had come and noted the half block with satisfaction. Yes, she thought to herself. She was definitely improving.
“Now how to get back home.” She spoke out loud as she started to walk.
Then her stomach growled alerting her to a greater problem.
“Oh!” She groaned softly. “I never did get to eat this morning!”
Above the noise of the street a faint sound reached her ears that sounded like heaven. A broad grin spread across her face as she raced towards it with glee.
Once again, innocent by standers found themselves leaping out of the way as the dark haired girl dashed madly past them, only one thought on her little mind.
There it was. The ice cream truck painted in a cheery yellow and white striped pattern, playing familiar happy little children’s classics. It was out early and was slowly moving down a residential street, hoping to attract some young customers. Kallista found that even she could catch up to it.
“Hey Mister!” She called out cheerily. “How much for the whole truck?”
“What?” The collage age kid had slowed to a stop and stared at the vision of beauty standing before him.
“Your truck and the ice cream!” She spoke slowly so the kid could understand. “How much is it?”
“Are you serious?” The kid laughed dumbfounded but kept a wary eye on t he girl. There was something off about her.
Ignoring his hesitation she reached into her pocket of the sweatshirt and pulled out a gob of money. It was not like her to usually carry around so much with her. But she had her reason and knew it would come in handy.
Smiling in awe th e boy took the money an counted it.
“This will so!” He said as he tucked the money into his pocket and climbed out of the truck. “She’s all yours!”
But Kallista mumbled a bit awkwardly then whispered into his ear as she looked shiftily about. “Could you please let me throw you from the truck and make it look like you were high jacked?”
“Uh, is it going to hurt?”
“No! Not at all!” She insisted innocently.
“Um, well. OK, then. What do you want me to-Aaaaaaaaaaaah!” He screamed as Kallista suddenly lunged for him with a snarl and grabbed him roughly by his coat front.
She tossed him off the truck and j umped in herself, laughing like a villain from a melodrama.
“You OK?” She leaned out and whispered as she looked wildly around.
“Yeah, sure.” He responded bemused.
“Oh, good!” She cheered. “Bye, now!”
He just watched open mouth as she drove like a maniac away from him, her laughter still reaching his ears from several blocks away.
Shrugging, he turned and walked away, counting his money again.